21 Days of Prayer and Fasting

SJC 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting begins Wednesday, March 23rd and ends Friday, April 15th (Good Friday). We will join together in a church-wide daily prayer at 6:00am. During these 21 days of fasting and prayer, we encourage you to choose your personal fast and keep a reimagining and rebuilding prayer journal.
Click here to fill out our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting Commitment Form
Daily Devotional Guides
We will start each day with The Word, prayer, and an intentional focus on working with a Purpose of Rebuilding. The people had a mind to work. In order to rebuild, we have to be spiritually awakened. It is our prayer that we “stay woke” and we are fully aware of the Lord’s presence. When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he thought, “Surely the LORD is in this place, and I was not aware of it” (Genesis 28:16).
In these 21 days of Prayer and Fasting we will pray God’s word with intention, working with the purpose to rebuild our faith, family, finances and fitness. “We are Doing A Great Work and We Won’t Stop.” (Nehemiah 6:6)
- With the purpose of rebuilding, we can’t afford to Abandon the Work
- With the purpose of rebuilding, we can’t afford to Abandon our Witness
- With the purpose of rebuilding, we can’t afford to Abandon our Worship
We will continue to reimagine ministry with the purpose of rebuilding. In Nehemiah, God directed His leaders to rebuild what the enemy had destroyed so that God may be glorified, worshipped and praised. Today our purpose remains the same. Our Pastor has called us to reimagine ministry in these changing times. We ask ourselves what areas of our lives are we trusting God to rebuild today; our faith, our families, our friends, our finances. During these past pandemic years, we have dealt with much uncertainty – loss of friends and family members, jobs, and even health. God is in the business of restoring and rebuilding. Like Nehemiah, during this season of fasting and prayer with the focus of rebuilding, we will hold our swords (God’s Word) in one hand while we work with the other. We will trust the Lord to lead us in the way we should go as we seek to restore, repair, and rebuild. Be reminded of the saying, ”Pray as if everything depends on God, but work as if everything depends on you.”
Remember God’s joy is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10). We must remember this, especially when things get tough. The enemy will use every possible device to get us to focus on our problems. We will give him less attention and give more attention to Jesus, our Savior. We will not be led astray from our devotions to him. We are advancing; in Him, we cannot lose.